29 July 2011 press release of EnergiaKözpont Nonprofit Kft. (Energy Center Nonprofit Ltd.). The AlmásiBaloghPál Hospital in Ózd carries out its project with the help of a non-repayable subsidy of 129 million HUF from the European Union. Due to the continuous price increase of fossil energy sources, the hospital had to pay more and more upkeep every year, thus providing for a part of the electricity demand of the facility by employing renewable energy sources became reasonable from an economic aspect as well.
Within the framework of the project solar energy based electricity is being produced. Dr. EszenyiGéza, Manager Director General, Head Physician of the hospital explained that this development indirectly improves the conditions of medical attendance as well. Reducing the usage of fossil energy sources is very advantageous from an environmental aspect as well. Besides broadening its services, avoiding a significant increase in operational expenses; and what is more further reduction of those as far as possible in the interest of keeping, boosting competitiveness and preserving employment is an emphasized aspect for the hospital.
With the project to be carried out, the hospital wishes to set an example, which can be achieved in other areas of Hungary as well, helping the rural population to land a job on the one hand and contributing to the share related to energy production resulting from renewable sources by 2020 undertook by Hungary on the other hand. This goal coincides with one of the emphasized goal of ÚjSzáchenyiTerv’s (New Széchenyi Plan’s) green farmland development conception started on 15 January 2011, namely urging technologies based on renewable energy sources.