First floor of the directorate wing

Economic Director : Szekanecz Tímea
Personal Assistant: Kaló Noémi

Work schedule: Monday-Friday 7.00 a.m. -15.00 p.m.
Phone number: 48/574-416
Fax: 48/574-401


Directs economic, financial, facility operation (curatorship) tasks related to the operation of the facility; and emerging administrative tasks in correlation with those. Exercises the employer’s rights in case of employees of the economic-technical supporting organization.

Fields connected to the Economic Director:

  • Human Resource and Payroll Management Department
  • Financial Department
  • Department of Dietetics and Nutrition
  • Occupational Health And Safety and Environmental Protection
  • Capacity Management Department
  • Care and Maintenance
  • Boiler Room
  • Laundry
  • Transportation