Head of Department: Dr. Kiss Katalin
Head Nurse: Jászberényi Judit
Localization: on the fourth floor of the new hospital wing
Beds: 30 pieces
Service area:
Arló, Bánréve, Borsodbóta, Borsodnádasd, Borsodszentgyörgy, Bükkmogyorósd, Csernely, Csokvaomány, Domaháza, Farkaslyuk, Gömörszőlős, Hangony, Hét, Járdánháza, Kelemér, Királd, Kissikátor, Lénárddaróc, Nekézseny, Ózd, Putnok, Sajómercse, Sajónémeti, Sajópüspöki, Sajóvelezd, Sáta, Serényfalva, Uppony
The tasks of the department:
The task of the department is to insure the institutional, medical rehabilitation and complex treatment of patients requiring locomotor rehabilitation.
Patient admission to the department happens on the basis of advance booking:
- from the patient’s home – with the referral of the family doctor – through specialty consultation
- from other medical institutions, on the basis of phone agreement with the medical attendant
- from another inpatient department of our hospital, on the basis of personal consultation
Typical patient groups receiving medical attendance in the course of our activity:
- Patients, who underwent stroke (cases of monopharesis, hemiparesis, aphasia and dysphagia)
- Disabilities evolved due to chronic neurological diseases, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, polyneuropathies etc.
- Peripheral vascular diseases, disabilities evolved after traumatic lower limb amputation
- Posttraumatic conditions (fractures of lower and upper limbs, hip and pelvic fractures, endoprosthesis implantations)
- Function disturbances of diabetes patients, leg problems with diabetes, polyneuropathy
- Conditions after degenerative joint and spine diseases, surgery of a slipped disc or other types of spine surgeries
- Treatment of fractures arisen due to Osteoporosis